Accentuation tendencies of declinable words in the manuscript sources of the Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect of Utena from the 1950s–1960s

  • Vilija Ragaišienė Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Keywords: Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect of Utena, local dialect, declinable word, accentuation variant, manuscript source



The article examines the manuscript sources of the Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect of Utena dating to the 1950s–1960s, which are stored in the Dialect Archive of the Centre of Geolinguistics at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language and which have not yet been thoroughly studied by linguists from the perspective of accentuation. The study aims to determine the accentuation tendencies of declinable words found in these descriptions (presented in responses to the questions of the Program of Material Collection for the Atlas of the Lithuanian Language and in transcribed texts). Based on the substantial amount of material, the article discusses the accentuation patterns, the accentuation variants of words and word forms prevalent in the subdialect of Utena during the studied period, along with the possible reasons for their existence. A list of word forms with accentual variants within the same local dialect is provided.

The study examines how the accentuation of declinable words and their forms in the Eastern Aukštaitian subdialect of Utena during the 1950s–1960s was influenced by factors such as the formation of the rule of stress retraction, the morphological levelling of paradigms, the preservation of ancient accentuation relics, the decline of the accentual and semantic model of two plural forms (simple and collective), the tendency toward oxytone accentuation, and other factors.
