An Interdisciplinary Poly-funktional Lingual-cognitive classification of instincts
The paper is a study of the possibility and feasibility of creating a multifunctional interdisciplinary classification of instincts performed from the standpoint of the orthodox alternative approach worked out by the author. This classification is viewed as a central methodological tool for the interdisciplinary research of a psychophysiological energy fluctuations and redistribution in cognitive processes of the interlocutors’ speaking-and-thinking activities. The formation of the multifunctional interdisciplinary classification of instincts is based on the idea of defining a rational minimum of cognitive and functional criteria to systematize its elements and connections between them. By way of analyzing the content basis of the instinct definitions put forward and already used in a number of sciences, the paper synthesizes the broadest academic definition of the instinct as an interdisciplinary category. The author advances an original solution to the issue of the terminological unambiguity of the concepts included in the classification and offers methodological rationality of using one word only to denote any known instinct, as well as the instinct marked for the first time. The instincts classified in the paper are divided into three classes, which respectively include such complexes of basic instincts as: sexual, cognitive, and of self-preservation. Each of the complexes contains a morphological set of derivative (specific) instincts. It is shown that the advanced classification has a systemic basis and can be easily transformed into an appropriate working model of a cybernetic system, while its terminological nomenclature includes the necessary minimum of universal notions easily understood by a representative of any field of cognitive knowledge, which allows unambiguous description of the results of any number of the alternatives of the energetic interaction of an individual’s instincts, emotions and feelings. The paper also outlines the prospects of the application of the interdisciplinary multifunctional lingual-cognitive classification of instincts for increasing the efficiency of cognitive research.
Copyright (c) 2021 Aleksandr Klymenyuk

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