Addenda etymologica zu den „Anmerkungen zu einigen mit An- beginnenden litauischen Gewässernamen und ihren außerbaltischen Verwandten“

  • Harald Bichlmeier
Keywords: Baltic hydronymy, Celtic hydronymy, ‘Old European’ hydronymy, phonotactics


An earlier article made it clear that the “hydronymic root PIE *en-/*on-” is a phantasm. Because of this, hydronyms such as Lith. Anatà and Anýkštė were explained tentatively based on the root PIE *h2en- ‘to haul (water)’. This root, however, is primarily continued in Anatolian, while attestations of the continuation of this root in Western IE languages are rare, partially even dubious. The article offers another form, potentially continuing this root in Western IE, precisely in Germanic. Thus, the assumption that the above-mentioned Lithuanian hydronyms also contain the root PIE *h2en- is supported indirectly
