On the Correspondence between “Pamoksłas Isz Prisakimu Diewa” [...] (1797) by Kiprijonas Lukauskas and the Texts from the Book “Missyi Apostolskiey Część II” (1783) by Karol Fabiani

  • Jūratė Pajėdienė
Keywords: Kiprijonas Lukauskas (1757–1815), Karol Fabiani (1716–1786), Jurgis Ambroziejus Pabrėža (1771–1849), sermon as teaching, Lithuanian literature, 18th century


    The article discusses the structure of Pamokslai by Kiprijonas Lukauskas (1757–1815) (Karaciejus, ed., 1996), which has been considered an original work until now, and the new authorship of some of the texts from this manuscript, which has recently come to light. The correspondence between the main part of the manuscript entitled Pamoksłas Isz Prisakimu Diewa Ape Pawinascias Giwenima Krikscioniska [...] (I–II; 1–310 p.) and the texts from the book MISSYI APOSTOLSKIEY CZĘŚĆ II. W KTOREY SIĘ PRZEKŁADAIĄ NAUKI Z PRZYKAZAN BOSKICH O POWINNOSCIACH ZYCIA CHRZESCIANSKIEGO [...] (1783) by Karol Fabiani is unquestionable. The question of the level of authorship of the texts from other chapters of Lukauskas’ manuscript (p. 311–407) remains open.
